Preview LXQt Release 2.2
As usual here’s a preview of the coming LXQt release 2.2 due in mid April. This will be mostly a polish-and-bugfix release, but some new features has been added as well.
- The preferences dialog has been reordered in several panes.
- An “Activate on mouse over” setting has been added for subterminals.
- Cursor blinking has been enabled.
- Possibility to hide the mouse cursor with a timeout.
- Prompt on closing while processes are running is fixed.
- Fixed text rendering for various non standard characters.
Issues with app transparency, font dialog on X11 and showing up on taskbar under
some WM have been fixed too.
- Added colored text and tool tip for “Custom Command” widget.
- Applications can be excluded from showing up in “Taskbar” widget.
- Various bug fixes.
Wayland Session
- Default compositor and screen locker can be set by distribution or system wide.
- Man pages have been added.
- Configuration files have been updated for last version of the compositor.
Input Settings
is partially enabled again under Wayland with the elements which are working. The cursor theme will be applied now also for GTK applications if this is enabled in “Appearance Settings”.
Furthermore there are several Wayland related improvements and issues fixed in different modules:
- PcManFm-Qt: Desktop icons arrangement is handled now per screen name so each screen has it’s own order.
- lxqt-runner
- Added configuring width under Wayland.
- Fixed screen settings and position for multi monitor setup.
- Shortcut closes now runner on a second press, identical to X11.
- lxqt-panel: under Wayland each monitor has its own panels which are shown when it is connected.
- Fixed monitor settings for kwin_wayland if one or both screens are scaled.
- lxqt-session:
- A shortcut handler using dbus has been added to include applications in lxqt-session when launched by shortcut, so they can be gently closed.
- Session cannot be launched multiple times anymore for the same user to prevent issues with doubling panels and other modules and auto start apps.
- Error message is shown when using problematic characters in names for auto start applications.
- Notification daemon: Opens on leftmost or topmost monitor when not opening on the screen with the cursor.
- The Wayland experience of the dropdown QTerminal window has been improved, fixing unusable positions of the preferences dialog windows and window size on multiple monitor setups.
Various Fixes and Improvements
- PCManFM-Qt:
- Improved tab sizes with large texts.
- Filter bar can be cleaned also with backspace now.
- Support for custom arguments when opening directory in terminal.
- ScreenGrab:
- Added setting for notifications.
- Fixed launching multiple times.
- Notifications: Zero timeout aka closing only explicitly is possible now.
- All man pages have been updated (please read them only after the release).
- Cleanup of the source files, new translations (Georgian) and other housekeeping.