The Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment

Release pcmanfm-qt 1.2.0

The LXQt team is proud to announce the release of pcmanfm-qt 1.2.0. The release can be downloaded from Github.

Main changes:

  • Fixed the links of About dialog.
  • Added search history.
  • Localize “Search Results”.
  • Consider device pixel ratio when drawing wallpaper. Also, an old problem is fixed in centering per-screen wallpapers with multi-screen setups.
  • Prevent an empty desktop path.
  • Allow customizing workspace margins on Desktop.
  • Added options for locale-awareness and zero-padding to bulk renaming.
  • Ignore auto-selection delay when single-click activation isn’t chosen.
  • Added an entry for Categories to launcher creator.
  • Added “What’s-This” help to launcher creator.
  • Added an action with Ctrl+D as its shortcut to Edit menu for deselecting all items.
  • Corrected bulk renaming shortcut on Desktop.
  • Set QTerminal in default config file for LXQt.
  • Apply changes in settings shared by Desktop and windows to Desktop too (auto-delay selection, right-click behavior, showing of thumbnails and treating backup files as hidden).

A full list of changes is in the CHANGELOG file.