The Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment

Three Point Releases

The LXQt team decided to make point releases for three main components:

The main reason for the point release of lxqt-panel was a change of behavior in xfwm4 version 4.18, which caused full-screen windows to go under the panel. A regression in the volume popup is also fixed and a Qeye plugin has been added.

For libfm-qt the point release provides a smooth Wayland experience with apps that are based on libfm-qt, especially PCManFM-Qt. Several problems are fixed regarding Wayland, like context menus, drag-and-drop, and launching of XWayland apps. Also, the minimum width of name column is increased in the detailed list mode.

The point release of PCManFM-Qt was made, alongside the point release of libfm-qt, for providing a good Wayland experience before porting both to Qt6. Also, tab drag-and-drop is enabled under Wayland.