Preview LXQt Release 2.2
As usual here’s a preview of the coming LXQt release 2.2 due in mid April. This will be mostly a polish-and-bugfix release, but some new features has been added as well.
Continue reading ...The Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment
As usual here’s a preview of the coming LXQt release 2.2 due in mid April. This will be mostly a polish-and-bugfix release, but some new features has been added as well.
Continue reading ...Here’s a overview of the coming LXQt release 2.1 due in mid November as usual. The main target is the experimental Wayland session but also some other improvements will be included.
Continue reading ...As LXQt 2.0 has been released and includes Wayland-specific codes for the first time, here is a short Q&A about that.
Continue reading ...An overview of the development state of both goals. Priority has porting
all components to the Qt6 libraries and there will be no Qt5-based version of LXQt anymore.
A relic from older times was the dependency of lxmenu-data for parts of the menus used in the “Applications menu” of the panel, in the LXQt Configuration Center and in PCManFm-Qt. This dependency is now replaced by lxqt-menu-data, concentrating all menu related files in one place, removing also a duplicate for LXQt Settings
The LXQt team decided to make point releases for three main components:
Continue reading ...LXQt version 1.2.0 has arrived in the Lubuntu backports PPA.
Continue reading ...The LXQt process manager Qps has a quite ancient code basis and some features (like a watchdog and command executing) were planned but never realized and Qt has evolved much since too. So it was time to clean up the code a little bit and give some love to the history graph and it’s tooltips which didn’t display any useful information.
Continue reading ...LXQt is always described as “lightweight and modular” - let’s look a little bit closer at the second part. This screen is familiar, where users can choose which parts to run always on startup, or can stop a component:
Continue reading ...[Updated] Although there is no complete GUI menu editor some basic things can be easily achieved - let’s see how.
Continue reading ...A - mostly visual - overview of the changes and new features added to LXQt after the first preview post.
Continue reading ...QTerminal had always had a quite unique “bookmarks” feature but the setup was not very intuitive: the file had to be created first, it had a hardcoded section containing not very useful bookmarks, filtering was not working and so on. Probably few users used it, as some issue were never reported.
Continue reading ...What can be expected in the next LQXt release, coming in spring? Here some highlights. Together with some bugfixes and more translations done we are quite happy to have achieved already quite a few improvements - hopefully there will be some more.
Continue reading ...We’re happy to start this blog in our website which until now was mostly only about release announcements. We’ll share here news, howtos, tipps&tricks and other things around LXQt.
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